I will continue my rantings from yesterday. There are some environmental issues that do bug me more than the "global warming alarmists".
PLASTIC and TRASH - I don't like plastic grocery bags. I believe they were originally utilized because "tree huggers" wanted to save trees and not use paper. My friends - trees are a renewable resource. Botanists and horticulturists have developed some very fast growing trees. Tree farms and plantations produce wood to make paper. And believe me, there are enough "tree huggers" around now that clear-cutting would not be a problem anymore. Paper will eventually decompose but plastic will be around almost forever.
I have never liked plastic grocery bags:
1st - because my groceries usually fall out and I have to round them up and rebag them before I can bring them in the house.
2nd - those plastic bags are used everywhere now and end up on the highways and in the waterways. People who litter make me ill.
3rd - when the bags and other plastic things end up in the waterways, aquatic life is destroyed. I like the beauty of lakes, ponds, rivers, etc. and love fish. So please keep your plastic to yourself and BRING BACK PAPER!!!
Now on to the next environmental issue that really bugs me. There are many things in life that are beyond our control and we don't get to make a decision about them. But there are some things we do get to decide. When making those decisions, we don't weigh all the pros and cons. We don't give some of our decisions enough thought and sometimes those decisions put our well-being at risk. You are probably wondering what I am talking about.
Why do people build their homes on barrier islands? The islands developed from wave action and possibly hurricanes over a long period of time and they are meant to be temporary. But people build homes on them to enjoy the good life and have to end up building jetties, sea walls, etc. to keep their beaches from washing away. A major hurricane will take what ever it wants - including beach front property and homes. The washing of the sand from the beach and the erosion of the property are natural and are constantly changing. It seems to me that a person can not really own a beach because Nature is going change it or take it to the sea and put it some where else.
Why do people cut out a mountain and build their homes on the side of it? No matter how structurally correct and sound a building engineer has told you your mountain side home is - with enough rainfall and the right conditions - it can fall down. I have seen some standing for many years and some that have slid down the hill after just a few years.
Now, thankfully we live in America and people are allowed their freedom to make their own decision about where they live. But think before you build.
I know opinions are just like heads - everyone has one. All of this is my opinion and thank you for letting me have my say.