Is this demonstration picture for real? I have seen it several places on the internet, including in an e-mail but I have yet to see the credit for the picture. If it is authentic, please accept my advice demonstrators - this is not a sign that will win friends and influence people.
Dear Readers, I usually try to stay away from political issues in my blog but when I feel strong about something, it bothers me not give my opinion. As with any political issue, there are a vast amount of opinions. I am not writing this to say that everybody should share my opinion. But, this is mine!
I believe that Arizona' s new immigration law is "right on". Arizona has the right to pass this law and enforce it. The Federal government said they have had an immigration law for years but it hasn't been enforced. So, Arizona - if the federal government is unwilling to pass and enforce an effective immigration law "like yesterday" - then You Rock On!
I am not saying that immigrants should not be welcomed to our country. I am saying no amnesty should be granted to those here illegally. The illegals that are here should be sent back to where they came from and then enter the U. S. legally just like all the immigrants from other countries. My ancestors had to do it legally and so did yours. So why, all of a sudden, does this particular ethnic group think the U. S. immigration laws don't apply to them? I know immigrants who have spent years going through the system legally because they really want to be an American. A Big Welcome To Them!
So - illegals - Go home - Apply for citizenship legally - Do mounds of paper work like other nationalities that want to become U. S. citizens and you will be welcomed back by most American citizens. Your actions now and the defiance of the illegal immigrants are not winning you very much support.
That brings me to learning English. Every other nationality that immigrated here didn't have the privilege of pressing # 2 for their native language. If you love America and want to be an American - LEARN ENGLISH. English should be the only primary language in America. Of course, I realize that it may take you a while to learn it. You'll just have to do what the other immigrants have done in the past and what the present-day immigrants from other countries are doing, get a friend or family member that speaks English to help you navigate through the system until you do learn it.
In conclusion, what is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. Immigration laws are the same for all nationalities - no exceptions.
I read the Arizona Immigration Bill SB1070 to see for myself what it is all about before approaching this topic in my blog. I see nothing unfair about it. If you would like to read it in its entirety, here is the link. After you read it, you can then made an informed decision yourself.