Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Moon

The other night I was sitting on the porch and my eyes caught the moon looming over in the eastern sky. I thought WOW! The color was so magnificent!

So, of course I had to grab my camera. I really don't know why because I can never capture the true effect of what I'm looking at. But this moon was so beautiful I had to try. So - you can see my effort. It is not a great photograph but you can see the unusual color. The top picture is when it was going behind a cloud. Cool - huh?

Monday, June 16, 2008

It Has Been A Great Day For Enjoying The Great Outdoors

The weather has finally started to cool off a bit. In fact, I've enjoyed sitting back and relaxing outside today - swinging a bit, listening to the birds sing, watching the breeze blow the limbs on the weeping willow, and working in my flowers. Yep, it was an outdoor day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trying To Build My Family Tree

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but I have been very busy doing genealogy. I have been scanning one census schedule after another - from 1850 through 1930. Anyone who has ever done genealogy knows how tiring it can be - scrolling through these records.

I try to match the name and age of a relative or spouse or one of his or her children with the names in the census. You have to remember that these records are handwritten and the handwriting is sometimes almost impossible to read. Of course, many have the person's nickname and an incorrect age so I try to find someone else in the household that is familiar and see if the majority of the information matches what I already know or what I have found in the past.

I know this sounds pretty boring but it really isn't. It is like putting a picture puzzle together - you know how excited you get when you find a piece of puzzle that you have been looking for and all of a sudden it fits and the puzzle's picture starts taking form. It is pretty exciting isn't it? Well, doing genealogy uses the same technique and produces the same excitement. I look and look until I find a member of the family that fits and place him or her in my puzzle and all of a sudden I have a picture of my family, how they lived and where they lived two or three hundred years ago. I have been doing genealogy for a good many years so my family tree has lots of branches now. But if I look long enough, I always find a branch I didn't have.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I've Been iTunes Shopping - Guess What I Bought

Since Third Day's "Revelation" album hasn't been released yet, I bought "Call My Name" - the single that iTunes is offering. And of course - I was not disappointed. It is absolutely great.

Now this one is a bit unusual for my taste but if you noticed the post before this one - I loved the commercial for Cold Play's "Viva La Vida". Well, I bought it and I really do like it. From what I understand, it is about the French Revolution but I am not sure. Any way, it is a "catchy" tune because I catch myself humming it a lot.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love This Commercial

I'm not really a Cold Play fan and I have no idea what this song is about but I do love this commercial. I know most people have already seen it but it is one that you can watch over and over.