Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh What Fun!

Moving is so much fun. I'm having a real blast going back and forth from the old house to the new house and from the new house to the old house - loading and unloading. Well, I have almost everything moved but now the fun part - unpacking boxes and putting stuff away. Don't get me wrong, moving is actually a good thing and once it is done - it's a happy time.

I'll be back soon with a new post on my action packed blog. See you then.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I am moving so I won't be posting for a while. Hopefully, I'll be blogging again in about 2 weeks. See you then.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Favorite Places To Shop

I can honestly say that my favorite places to shop and browse are home improvement stores. Evidently, these places have great people doing their merchandising because the minute I enter the store, I feel the need to start a project whether I had actually planned to or not. Of course, my project always includes something that won't fit into my car and then I have to figure out a way to get the supplies for my project home. The man in the picture seems to have the same problem I have. Does anyone else have this problem?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Favorite Halloween Costume

I know you were anxiously waiting on this post so you could see what my favorite childhood Halloween costume was. I apologize for the delay but here it is - Tweety Bird. Cool, huh?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Costumes And Candy

I think Halloween is a neat holiday. Is it the lovely attire or is it the candy? My favorite part is the candy. Of course, I have to dress up to make it official - it's a rule. Each year, I rack my brain to think of something to wear so I can get free candy. Then the big night comes and I get to go to peoples' homes and knock on their doors. The candy-giver comes to door and go "Oh - how cute" and hands me a hand full of candy. Of course, the whole time I am thinking - please let it be a big candy bar.

No - I really don't go trick or treatin' now but it is a fond memory from my childhood. However, the thrill of getting big candy bars instead of penny candy is as true today as it was when I was a child and it probably always will be.

I remember my favorite Halloween costume from my childhood. It was - drum roll please. I'll tell you tomorrow. I know you'll hardly be able to sleep tonight waiting for my answer.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another Great Loss

Robert Redford & Paul Newman - "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid"

I just saw on the news that Paul Newman died at the age of 83 from his battle with cancer. It is my opinion that he was one of the greatest actors ever. He starred in so many great movies but I guess my all time favorite Paul Newman movie is "Cool Hand Luke" with "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" following as a close second favorite. His talent will be missed. I will remember his family in prayer.

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Fall !

Don't you just love Fall? This time of the year, the weather gets cooler and the horrible humidity goes away. The foliage turns pretty colors, corn stalks start to dry up and get their autumny (not a word but it describes them pretty good this time of year) look. And it is fun to drive in the country and look at the pretty scenery. You got to love it! What's your favorite time of the year?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What Have I Been Doing?

I haven't been doing alot - just kicking back and watching TV - with snacks of course.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Gas Shortage? Is It Really?

Recent Pictures of Gas Pumps In SC

Please tell me - what's the deal with this? This began on Thursday - several days before Hurricane Ike came ashore in Texas. Gas in SC has been reported as high as $5.49 and many gas stations have run out of gas. The average gas price in SC today is $4.070 today. The average gas price in the USA is $3.828.

Why are our gas prices so much higher than the national average?

Why did the so-called shortage and price hike start before Hurricane Ike even came ashore?

There was a time in our history when there was a true shortage in our nation and SC, just like all other states, shared the misery. In 1973, the Arab oil embargo sparked a series of events that did cause a true oil shortage.

During the 70's oil shortage, buying gas was based on the rotation of customers. License plates ending with even numbers got to buy gas on even numbered days and license plates ending with odd numbers got to buy gas on odd numbered days. Many gas stations were closed completely and others used colored flags pictured on the sign above. Gas lines were long and many times people would sit in the long lines for several hours. This didn't mean just because you were in line that you would get gas because the station owners would select a last car in the line allowed to get gas. You might be next in line but if you were behind the last car allowed to get gas, you were out of luck.

Many lessons were supposed to have been learned from the energy crisis in the 1970's but it seems that the Energy Commission might need to go back to the drawing board.

By the way, let us all keep the people in Texas in our prayers. They are faced with horrible devastation.

Something Good To Watch

Good Morning Readers - Yesterday, I was surfing channels looking for something good to watch and happened across this movie.

I am a western movie fan because "good" always wins over "evil" and the "evil" people are clearly defined and they are super-evil. Of course, the "good" are so good that I can't help but to cheer them on. The problem is that I have seen most of them a dozen times each so when I happened to run across this one, I thought I had probably seen it too. After watching the cast list at the beginning of the movie, I realized that I hadn't seen - Silverado. Yea! A western I haven't seen!

This movie has a lot of my favorite movie people in it: Kevin Kline, Scott Glenn, Kevin Costner, Danny Glover, and Brian Dennehy.

Kevin Kline plays a man who doesn't really trust people. His character evidently had a sordid past and did things he wasn't proud of but he was trying to change and work for the "good" side.

Scott Glenn plays the older brother of Kevin Costner. His character was the kind of person that has always worked hard for the "good" side and was protector of the family. Kevin Costner's character was the younger brother who kept getting into trouble without even trying.

Danny Glover plays a man who decided to go to the big city to make a better life while his family moved out west to start their homestead. Glover's character receives a letter from his mother who wants him to come help with the new home. He arrives to find his mother dead and his father being "burnt out" of his home and his sister working in the local saloon in Silverado.

Of course, they get together to take on the corruption in Silverado and the "evil" sheriff played by Brian Dennehy.

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. It moved fast, had a good story line, and a great cast. So, if you like westerns and haven't seen this one - check it out - it's something good to watch.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Thank You! Thank You!

And Fun Was Had By All!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You've Got To Read This

Today, I read one of the most poignant and moving posts that I have read in a long time. It is called "Jesus Wept" by Nigel James. This is just part of what he said, "Our tears aren't enough. Real compassion will move us to action, and a desperate desire to see God move in the lives of the broken, the hurting, the despairing, those who have given up hope".

I have put Nigel's blog-link, Nigel James, in my favorite blogs. Click on it and read the entire post. It is dated August 30 and titled "Jesus Wept".

Monday, September 8, 2008

Starting A New Blog

Today, I started a new blog. At least, I chose my template and name for my blog and wrote a couple of sentences. So, I guess I can say that I started a new blog. I have decided to write about my genealogy research for a while. Fear not, I will post here occasionally.

There are so many genealogy sites available on-line but I have found many that have listed the families I am researching with information that just doesn't make sense. For example, one person I have been researching is Nancy Williams. More than one site has an incorrect mother. The mother they have for Nancy Williams was born 5 years after her daughter. Wouldn't that throw up the "red flag" and say that this is probably an error?

Any way, I have researched many families and wanted to present them to other genealogists that may be researching the same families.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Media - Please Leave The Palin Children Alone

What I see here is not just a pregnant teen but a deeply religious family that made a decision based on their Christian faith. They are not going to destroy the God-Given life that they were blessed with just to satisfy public opinion or the "abortion rights" people and they have not cast their daughter into exile. Their decisions are from the teachings of Jesus Christ. So, my opinion is that this family is awesome and that the media should stay away from the Palin children. LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! Instead, commend them for their Christian values and pray that God will continue His Blessings upon this wonderful family.

Lori McElroy/AP Photo

I remember when the media and talk show hosts talked so badly about Chelsea Clinton and her appearance. I have never been a Clinton fan. Bill Clinton is a far over-rated President and Hillary is not "all that". But the actions of the media toward Chelsea during Clinton's term were inexcusable and extremely evil.

If the media feels it is necessary to fill their required time and space to report and talk about some one's child, they need to find another job because they are pitiful excuses for journalists and reporters.

"Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech". 1 Peter 3:10 (NIV)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Great Talent Will Be Missed

AP Photo

Jerry Reed Hubbard

Photo: Kay Williams

2005 - Jerry Reed Being Inducted In The Songwriters Hall of Fame

Jerry Reed Hubbard was born March 20, 1937 and passed away September 1, 2008.

I remember him from the movie "Smokey and The Bandit" and his guitar picking with Chet Atkins. He was a great guitar player and song writer. He made you smile when he performed because he always seemed like he was having such a fun time. His songs told some interesting stories. I'm kinda partial to his song "Amos Moses". You could sense his great sense of humor any time you saw him perform - on stage or in the movies. His sense of humor and talent will be missed.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clip Of Third Day Singing Beyonce's Irreplaceable

I saw this on Mark Lee's blog today and it is really cute. Third Day is singing Beyonce's song Irreplaceable. On my blog - click on the Offical Third Day Blog to read Mark's account of this song. He has lots of neat pictures and stuff on his blog. So, check it out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's Time To "Unlax"


My friend Bobby loves football and I am sending him this reminder. It's time to "unlax" - FOOTBALL SEASON IS BACK!!! Rah! Rah! I know he's a "happy camper" now.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nonpartisan View

Ron Edmonds/AP Photo

I have never had the habit of watching political conventions because I find them pretty boring. But from lack of any good television shows being on tonight (including "Law and Order"reruns), I watched Caroline Kennedy give a tribute to her uncle, Ted, at the Democratic National Convention. It was touching and very good. After the tribute, Ted Kennedy came to the podium to make a speech.

As you know, Ted Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor and I was really amazed at the strength and courage he showed while making his speech. As you know, I don't get political on my blog but I must say the delivery of his speech was great. It doesn't matter what your political views are, I hope you will remember him in your prayers. He still has a long way to go in his recovery.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Words Of Wisdom

I have always enjoyed Native American stories. They are simple but yet so true and they reveal so much wisdom and just plain ol' common sense. Stories like the one below were passed down from generation to generation. They had no written laws so these stories guided each generation on how they should live and conduct themselves. I would like to share one of them with you.

Story of Two Wolves
~ Barbara LaBarbera

Old Grandfather was proud and wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes
Come draw your hearts near
Old Grandfather's story to hear...

Listen with your spirit's ear well
Keep this story in heart to dwell
A strong message for all hearts to see
This is the Two Wolves Story...

In each person's heart deep within
Are two wolves fighting to see who wins
One wolf is good, who fights strong
The other is evil and fights to do wrong

Down in our spirit's soul
They fight for our hearts to hold
The wolves are in constant fight
Each struggling with all their might

Of the two wolves that dwell within
You ask, which wolf will win?
The answer is simple, take heed
The wolf that wins is the one you feed

Sometimes the wolves rip our soul apart
Which wolf will rule your heart...
Remember, old Grandfather was wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Wonder What She Feeds This Cat

This picture is for my cat-loving friend - Carolyn.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And This Would Be?

Tap Dancers

Dr. Pepper

Assaulted Peanut

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Really Cool !




Nebulas are created by both the formation and destruction of stars. They are large clouds of interstellar gas, dust and plasma.

Owl Eyes - two galaxies passing each other

I was looking at websites for pictures of the atmosphere because I think they are so cool. I found a website with such great pictures and thought I would share a few of them with you. You can go to http://www.space.com/ and see lots of pictures just like these. Check it out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Not Feeling So Special Now???

AP/Enquirer Photo

Did this make John feel special ? Did he actually believe this ?

"Her [Rielle] purpose on this Earth, she said, was to help raise awareness about all this [New Age Philosophy], to help the unenlightened become better reflections of their true, repressed selves. Her latest project was John Edwards. Edwards, she said, was an old soul who had barely tapped into any of his potential. The real John Edwards, she believed, was a brilliant, generous, giving man who was driven by competing impulses-to feed his ego and serve the world. If he could only tap into his heart more, and use his head less, he had the power to be a " 'transformational leader' " on par with Gandhi and Martin Luther King. " 'He has the power to change the world,' " she said". Jonathan Darman/Newsweek/August 9, 2008

This video sums it up!!!

I don't guess the New Age Philosophy worked too well. This is part of John's statement after he didn't feel special anymore:

"It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic.... ".

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ". Colossians 2:8 (NIV)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ultimate Stupidity

Have you ever been surfing the web and found some strange news stories? Well, I did that yesterday and found STUPID.

I found a story about a woman who used her 12 year old daughter as a designated driver. She had the child drop her off at a local bar. The child was pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. The child explained that she had dropped her mom off at the bar and was on her way back home. They found the mother and she was arrested for child endangerment. It only gets worse, this story went to another link with a similar story.

This story involves a mother who had been taking drugs. A neighbor of this lady noticed a car speeding around the corner and screeching to a halt in front of a nearby house. The neighbor noticed the mother sitting in the passenger seat and asked if the child had been driving. The child's mother answered that he was a good driver. The child complained that he was having a hard time driving because he couldn't reach the pedals. Would you believe that a 5 year old had been driving the car with his mother and 3 year old brother inside? Of course, the mother was charged with intoxication and child endangerment.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman On Larry King

Steven Curtis Chapman and his family were on Larry King's show discussing the accidental death of their daughter, Maria, who was accidentally run over in the drive way of their home. Steven's testimony of their family's faith is touching and inspirational. Their family still has a lot of pain and sadness to endure so it is important that we continue to pray for them.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Dear Readers,

Have you missed me? Sorry I haven't posted anything on my blog for a while but I've been on vacation. I headed toward the beach but I must have taken a wrong turn. Stayed tuned, I will be blogging more later.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

UFO ???

I try to read The Mountaineer (newspaper in Waynesville, NC) as often as possible because it is from the area where I was born and raised. The Mountaineer is a very good local newspaper with lots of interesting stories and pictures.

I happen to find this picture by D. C. Buchanan - Staff Photographer - in a recent edition of the newspaper. It is really neat and I wanted to share it with you. But what is it? D. C. Buchanan also wrote an article about his photo titled "Mountain Mystery". I will write an excerpt from it but you can read the entire article on their website: http://www.themountaineer.com/

"What I found so interesting was that each time I tried to debunk what I was seeing, the tests prove, in fact, the objects are within the scene photographed. Aside from that, there is an obvious lighter topside and darker bottom which coincides with the position of the sun at the time the photos taken. An Internet search shows these photos aren't the first time an unidentifiable object has been captured in photographs in Western North Carolina. I was, at first quite hesitant about sharing the photos, though the more I thought about it, I decided why not? I was amazed at the opinions that I received". - D. C. Buchanan

I will offer my opinion for whatever it's worth. I believe it is a cloud. It doesn't really matter because I enjoyed the picture and the article and I hope you do too.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Life's Instruction Manual

Good Morning Readers:

You're working on a project or trying to straighten out some trials going on in your life and it seems that one thing after another is going against you and what you are trying to accomplish just seems to be going backward. Don't many of us tell ourselves - this is too much trouble and it's stressing me out too much, so I'll just forget it? Well, God has given us instructions for this situation in Life's Instruction Manual - The Bible. I know this scripture helps me when I'm getting frustrated and impatient and I thought I would share it with you.

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything". James 1:2-4 (NIV)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Third Day Is Going To Be On Jay Leno's Tonight Show

Hey Readers - Third Day is going to be on Jay Leno's Tonight Show on July 29th. That is the same day their new CD comes out. This video is a sneak peek of their new CD - Revelation. Set your TIVO's to record the show just in case you can't stay awake that late at night. Hope you watch and send me your comments about their new music.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


I enjoy watching critters and they seem to know it because they're always on my porch. The frogs have so much patience hunting their food. They sit perfectly still for as long as thirty minutes waiting for a bug to come by. I can't imagine having that much patience. Humans stress out standing in line for five minutes at a fast food restaurant. I watch the little green lizards crawl on my plants hunting bugs. I like their determination and how they keep my plants bug-free.

I do not like the two critters in the pictures above - they creep me out. Unfortunately, these want to visit my porch too. That's ok because I can go in the house. But today, Skip and Carolyn came by and I got up to answer the front door and something caught my attention. It was a baby snake lying by my front door - on the inside of my house!!! I told Skip and Carolyn to wait while I got the broom to get the snake out of the door. I managed to sweep the little snake outside and Skip took over and swept the little snake into the grass. I know Carolyn was freaked out because she has two great fears - thunder storms and SNAKES. But she toughed it out and didn't run down the street screaming.

I know snakes can't talk but I really wanted to ask him/her where the mama was. Believe me I am looking around and opening closet doors more carefully and looking before I go in. I hope "snake baby" just got lost and "snake mama" isn't in my house. EEK!!! So, that's my critter adventures for the day - I hope.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Just Chilling

Greetings Readers,

What's up? Not a lot? Me either. I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. Evidently, I'm suffering from blog burn-out. Hum-drum routines aren't really exciting but believe me, hum-drum is not a bad thing. It just means there's not a lot of drama. That's good! Less drama - more chilling time!

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
and good news gives health to the bones".
Proverbs 15:30 (NIV)

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Third Day Song - Check It Out

The name of this song is Call My Name and it is the new Third Day song I bought from iTunes a couple of weeks ago. It is really awesome. I hope you enjoy it too.

Fourth Of July


"In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved". - Franklin D. Roosevelt

On July 4, 1776, America declared its independence from England and approved the wording of the Declaration of Independence. It is said, however, that the Declaration of Independence was sent to the printer on July 4th and that it was not signed by John Hancock or the other delegates until August 2 because it was damaged or destroyed while being printed.

Below are some of the first 4th of July celebrations and facts:
  • In 1777, thirteen guns were fired, once at morning and again in the evening.

  • In 1778, General George Washington marked Independence Day with a double ration of rum for his soldiers and had an artillery salute.

  • In 1779, July 4 fell on Sunday. The holiday was celebrated on Monday.

  • In 1781, the Massachusetts General Court became the first state legislature to recognize Independence Day as a state celebration.

  • In 1791 was the first recorded use of the name "Independence Day".

"Then it was said among the nations, the Lord has done great things for them. The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy". - Psalm 126: 2-3

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Moon

The other night I was sitting on the porch and my eyes caught the moon looming over in the eastern sky. I thought WOW! The color was so magnificent!

So, of course I had to grab my camera. I really don't know why because I can never capture the true effect of what I'm looking at. But this moon was so beautiful I had to try. So - you can see my effort. It is not a great photograph but you can see the unusual color. The top picture is when it was going behind a cloud. Cool - huh?

Monday, June 16, 2008

It Has Been A Great Day For Enjoying The Great Outdoors

The weather has finally started to cool off a bit. In fact, I've enjoyed sitting back and relaxing outside today - swinging a bit, listening to the birds sing, watching the breeze blow the limbs on the weeping willow, and working in my flowers. Yep, it was an outdoor day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Trying To Build My Family Tree

Sorry I haven't posted for a while but I have been very busy doing genealogy. I have been scanning one census schedule after another - from 1850 through 1930. Anyone who has ever done genealogy knows how tiring it can be - scrolling through these records.

I try to match the name and age of a relative or spouse or one of his or her children with the names in the census. You have to remember that these records are handwritten and the handwriting is sometimes almost impossible to read. Of course, many have the person's nickname and an incorrect age so I try to find someone else in the household that is familiar and see if the majority of the information matches what I already know or what I have found in the past.

I know this sounds pretty boring but it really isn't. It is like putting a picture puzzle together - you know how excited you get when you find a piece of puzzle that you have been looking for and all of a sudden it fits and the puzzle's picture starts taking form. It is pretty exciting isn't it? Well, doing genealogy uses the same technique and produces the same excitement. I look and look until I find a member of the family that fits and place him or her in my puzzle and all of a sudden I have a picture of my family, how they lived and where they lived two or three hundred years ago. I have been doing genealogy for a good many years so my family tree has lots of branches now. But if I look long enough, I always find a branch I didn't have.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I've Been iTunes Shopping - Guess What I Bought

Since Third Day's "Revelation" album hasn't been released yet, I bought "Call My Name" - the single that iTunes is offering. And of course - I was not disappointed. It is absolutely great.

Now this one is a bit unusual for my taste but if you noticed the post before this one - I loved the commercial for Cold Play's "Viva La Vida". Well, I bought it and I really do like it. From what I understand, it is about the French Revolution but I am not sure. Any way, it is a "catchy" tune because I catch myself humming it a lot.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Love This Commercial

I'm not really a Cold Play fan and I have no idea what this song is about but I do love this commercial. I know most people have already seen it but it is one that you can watch over and over.

Friday, May 30, 2008

How Cool Is This!!!

For the first time, a Christian Band is on the cover of Billboard Magazine! If you want to read the article, go to their website and click on "to view the article": http://thirdday.com . It is really a great article!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I'm Looking Forward To Season Two

Season Two of one of my all time favorite shows "Ice Road Truckers" starts on June 8th at 9:00 PM on the History Channel. This video is from last season but it sort of shows how intense the show can get.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Did You Enjoy Your Memorial Day Weekend?

I enjoyed my Memorial Day weekend. Today was a little warm but it was a perfect day for going to the pool.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prayer Request For Pastor Troy And His Family

"It Matters" Series Continues This Weekend
Watch It On The Internet If You Can't Attend

Please Pray For Pastor Troy And His Family

Pastor Troy's mother, Linda, is in the hospital with a brain aneurysm. She is going to have surgery this coming Tuesday if she is stable this weekend. Besides the aneurysm, she has some unexplained bleeding in the back of her brain. Pastor Troy's blog update yesterday also says that she suffered a stroke.

I got to know Linda several years ago. She is a remarkable person - an example of strength, courage and faith. Of course, she is facing a terrifying situation. We are all afraid when we face the unknown and she is no different. So I ask that you pray for her recovery and for God to give her the strength and courage she will need as she faces surgery. Also, pray for the well-being of Pastor Troy and all of his family.

Pastor Troy has been updating his mother's condition in his blog so if you wish, you may visit the blog at http://www.troyandsteph.com/

Friday, May 23, 2008

A Tribute To Our Heros

This is a special thank you to all of the men and women who have put their lives on the line to make sure that our country is safe and secure. Pray for our servicemen and servicewomen who are presently serving that they will return home safely. Honor the memory of all troops who have lost their lives in service to our country. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Prayers For The Chapman Family

Picture of The Chapman Family As Seen On Their Website

Yesterday, Maria Sue Chapman (5 years old), the daughter of Christian Artist, Steven Curtis Chapman, was struck by a car in the driveway of their home. She later died at a hospital in TN. I hope everyone will keep the family in their prayers. Chapman wrote and sang "Cinderella" about his daughters. Watch the video of this song above.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

How Did They Do That?

Would you have ever thought to pile up a bunch of trash and make a shadow picture? Whoever did this has talent. Neat, huh?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Whoops !

Lots of dirt to clean off the porch

But my geranium survived

What happens when you are hanging your flower basket back on the hook and the chain breaks? Well, let me tell you. You have lots of dirt to clean up and then you have to do an emergency transplant on your broken plant. My poor little geranium suffered a little trauma and a few broken limbs but it wasn't anything that some fresh potting soil and a new container couldn't fix.

Monday, May 19, 2008

This Is Not Funny - Just Eerie

Mark Lee had this video posted on his Third Day Blog and I saw it there for the first time. Third Day was in concert and Mac was singing "Cry Out To Jesus" and he got to the part of "when you're lonely and it feels like the whole world is falling on you" - watch what happens to poor David, the drummer. By the grace of God, he wasn't hurt and the concert continued on. You might have to turn up the sound to hear the song.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

He Did It Again !!!

Big Brown ran a dynamic race and won the second race of the Triple Crown series. At first, I got a little nervous because the reporters said Big Brown didn't like dirt in his face and he was in a position on the inside that might cause the dirt to hit him in the face. But he was pulled out and ran on the outside. He continued running to the finish line with almost no competition. The third race in Belmont will be in about three weeks - I think. I'm definitely looking forward to that one. Can Big Brown obtain the Triple Crown? I hope so! Best of all - there were no injuries.


AP Photo/Gail Burton

My favorite, Big Brown can capture his second win in the race for the Triple Crown. I hope he does well and of course, that there are no injuries. I can't wait to see how he does - will do a follow-up after the race this afternoon.

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Great Outdoorsman

My friend Bobby has always been a great outdoorsman - especially hunting. He thinks nothing of going out in the afternoon after he gets home from work and bagging his evening meal.