Thursday, August 28, 2008

Clip Of Third Day Singing Beyonce's Irreplaceable

I saw this on Mark Lee's blog today and it is really cute. Third Day is singing Beyonce's song Irreplaceable. On my blog - click on the Offical Third Day Blog to read Mark's account of this song. He has lots of neat pictures and stuff on his blog. So, check it out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's Time To "Unlax"


My friend Bobby loves football and I am sending him this reminder. It's time to "unlax" - FOOTBALL SEASON IS BACK!!! Rah! Rah! I know he's a "happy camper" now.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nonpartisan View

Ron Edmonds/AP Photo

I have never had the habit of watching political conventions because I find them pretty boring. But from lack of any good television shows being on tonight (including "Law and Order"reruns), I watched Caroline Kennedy give a tribute to her uncle, Ted, at the Democratic National Convention. It was touching and very good. After the tribute, Ted Kennedy came to the podium to make a speech.

As you know, Ted Kennedy is suffering from a brain tumor and I was really amazed at the strength and courage he showed while making his speech. As you know, I don't get political on my blog but I must say the delivery of his speech was great. It doesn't matter what your political views are, I hope you will remember him in your prayers. He still has a long way to go in his recovery.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Words Of Wisdom

I have always enjoyed Native American stories. They are simple but yet so true and they reveal so much wisdom and just plain ol' common sense. Stories like the one below were passed down from generation to generation. They had no written laws so these stories guided each generation on how they should live and conduct themselves. I would like to share one of them with you.

Story of Two Wolves
~ Barbara LaBarbera

Old Grandfather was proud and wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes
Come draw your hearts near
Old Grandfather's story to hear...

Listen with your spirit's ear well
Keep this story in heart to dwell
A strong message for all hearts to see
This is the Two Wolves Story...

In each person's heart deep within
Are two wolves fighting to see who wins
One wolf is good, who fights strong
The other is evil and fights to do wrong

Down in our spirit's soul
They fight for our hearts to hold
The wolves are in constant fight
Each struggling with all their might

Of the two wolves that dwell within
You ask, which wolf will win?
The answer is simple, take heed
The wolf that wins is the one you feed

Sometimes the wolves rip our soul apart
Which wolf will rule your heart...
Remember, old Grandfather was wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Wonder What She Feeds This Cat

This picture is for my cat-loving friend - Carolyn.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

And This Would Be?

Tap Dancers

Dr. Pepper

Assaulted Peanut

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Really Cool !




Nebulas are created by both the formation and destruction of stars. They are large clouds of interstellar gas, dust and plasma.

Owl Eyes - two galaxies passing each other

I was looking at websites for pictures of the atmosphere because I think they are so cool. I found a website with such great pictures and thought I would share a few of them with you. You can go to and see lots of pictures just like these. Check it out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Not Feeling So Special Now???

AP/Enquirer Photo

Did this make John feel special ? Did he actually believe this ?

"Her [Rielle] purpose on this Earth, she said, was to help raise awareness about all this [New Age Philosophy], to help the unenlightened become better reflections of their true, repressed selves. Her latest project was John Edwards. Edwards, she said, was an old soul who had barely tapped into any of his potential. The real John Edwards, she believed, was a brilliant, generous, giving man who was driven by competing impulses-to feed his ego and serve the world. If he could only tap into his heart more, and use his head less, he had the power to be a " 'transformational leader' " on par with Gandhi and Martin Luther King. " 'He has the power to change the world,' " she said". Jonathan Darman/Newsweek/August 9, 2008

This video sums it up!!!

I don't guess the New Age Philosophy worked too well. This is part of John's statement after he didn't feel special anymore:

"It is inadequate to say to the people who believed in me that I am sorry, as it is inadequate to say to the people who love me that I am sorry. In the course of several campaigns, I started to believe that I was special and became increasingly egocentric and narcissistic.... ".

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ". Colossians 2:8 (NIV)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ultimate Stupidity

Have you ever been surfing the web and found some strange news stories? Well, I did that yesterday and found STUPID.

I found a story about a woman who used her 12 year old daughter as a designated driver. She had the child drop her off at a local bar. The child was pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. The child explained that she had dropped her mom off at the bar and was on her way back home. They found the mother and she was arrested for child endangerment. It only gets worse, this story went to another link with a similar story.

This story involves a mother who had been taking drugs. A neighbor of this lady noticed a car speeding around the corner and screeching to a halt in front of a nearby house. The neighbor noticed the mother sitting in the passenger seat and asked if the child had been driving. The child's mother answered that he was a good driver. The child complained that he was having a hard time driving because he couldn't reach the pedals. Would you believe that a 5 year old had been driving the car with his mother and 3 year old brother inside? Of course, the mother was charged with intoxication and child endangerment.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman On Larry King

Steven Curtis Chapman and his family were on Larry King's show discussing the accidental death of their daughter, Maria, who was accidentally run over in the drive way of their home. Steven's testimony of their family's faith is touching and inspirational. Their family still has a lot of pain and sadness to endure so it is important that we continue to pray for them.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Dear Readers,

Have you missed me? Sorry I haven't posted anything on my blog for a while but I've been on vacation. I headed toward the beach but I must have taken a wrong turn. Stayed tuned, I will be blogging more later.