Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Touch of Fall

I lived in South Florida for a couple of months and missed the changes of the seasons. The heat and humidity seemed to be present morning, noon, and night. This is good for people who enjoy the warm weather year round but I enjoy the refreshing coolness of Fall. The magnificant sight of the leaves on the trees changing from green to rich yellows and oranges during this time of year is also an event that I look forward to.

I walked outside this morning and felt the cool, crisp morning. I watched the gentle breeze blow the limbs on the trees across the way and could hear the rustle of the leaves as they begin their Fall transition. I remembered how suppressing the heat felt all summer and how wonderful it is to feel crispness in the air. I thanked God for this beautiful day. I thought about what a wonderful gift from God it is to be able to enjoy the things in life that we normally take for granted and hardly even notice in our busy lives.

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