Saturday, February 21, 2009

Another Animal Story

Hi Readers - You all know how I love sweet animal stories but this one gives me the heebie-jeebies. It's a story about a courthouse in Florida that is overrun with mice. It is said that mice have been seen falling from the ceiling tiles. The employees check their purses and personal items before they go home to make sure mice haven't taken up residence.

I have always believed that animals have a special place in our world and there is a tender place in my heart for them. But I believe if a mouse fell on my head that tender place in my heart would be replaced with a "heart attack".

Thursday, February 19, 2009

How Cute!


Lewis was born on February 9th at The Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia, SC. He is nine days old and is 5'5" tall and weighs 126 lbs. You've got to admit he is a cutie.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God ~ Ephesians 2:8

Today I followed my usual morning routine and got up, turned on the coffee pot, and reached for the TV remote to hear the news. When the TV came on - Dr. Charles Stanley was speaking from the First Baptist Church in Atlanta. He was speaking about God's Grace.

It seems I always catch one particular word or phrase when I am listening to a message/sermon/teaching that I can't get off my mind. And this is one of those phrases. Dr. Stanley asked what is Grace? Then went on to explain:

"God's Riches At Christ's Expense"

I thought that explanation was awesome and I wanted to share it.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Things To Think About

1. A compromise is an agreement whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted. ~ Author Unknown

2. A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. ~ Arthur McBride Bloch

3. How come there's only one Monopolies Commission? ~ Nigel Rees

4. I have six locks on my door in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. ~ Elayne Boosler

5. Anybody can win, unless there happens to be a second entry. ~ George Ade

6. You can't have everything... where would you put it? ~ Steven Wright

7. He's turned his life around. He used to be depressed and miserable. Now he's miserable and depressed. ~ Harry Kalas

8. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. ~ Author Unknown

Friday, February 13, 2009

I Love Animal Stories

There are some animal stories that touch my heart and make me say - aawww. That's the way I feel about this wonderful firefighter giving aid and comfort to "Sam" the koala.

Then there's the story about 22 dogs crammed into a car with the owner. This story makes me say - what!? I kinda believe that 22 dogs in a car are about 21 too many. But maybe, that's just me - I could be wrong.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Please Pray For The People In Australia

The people in Australia are battling horrific fires. The last I heard there are at least 173 people dead, more than 750 homes have been destroyed and 5,000 people have been left homeless. The 60 mph winds and the drought and heat are making these fires spread and hard to contain. I also thought about all the vegetation and wildlife being destroyed.

Please pray for them.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Funny Thing Happened On The Way To Church

I woke up this unusually warm morning feeling refreshed but a little hurried because I like to allow myself plenty of time to get ready for Church. I like to eat a bite so my stomach won't growl all the way through the service. So I did that and then checked my eye because I have been fighting with a sty for the last couple of days and you know, sties aren't really becoming. I had been able to reduce the swelling with warm compresses so I decided I didn't look too "freakish". My eye looked good enough to be able to go to Church and not make everybody scream at the sight of me.

Then, I went in to brush my teeth and I always brush with some intensity. I don't know why - it just seems like a good thing to do. I finished that little hygiene thing and rubbed my tongue on my front teeth to see if they felt clean. "Panic, Anxiety, Shock!!!" There was a gap in my front teeth that wasn't there before!!! The bonding on my front teeth was gone!!!

So my dear readers, it was at that time that I thought it would be better if I stayed at home. Believe me when I say that I am not a vain person but I felt the gaping hole in my front teeth and the sty were a little too much embarrassment for me to handle today.

I glued two "chiclets" on my teeth nubs but they didn't look right so I went to the dentist and now I have real fake front teeth again.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sorry - Back On My "Bandwagon" Again

I try to stay out of politics on my blog but there are times when I feel strongly about something and I want to have my say. My first thought was to go back to 1993 and write about the events which I feel made it necessary to establish a detention facility like Guantanamo Bay but decided to stick to why I oppose closing the facility.

I read and heard about President Obama's meeting with invited families of the 9-11 victims and those of the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. Some declined to accept the invitation. But this story got me to thinking.

I know in my head and heart that God will judge those who committed these atrocities. But then there is the "mother bear" in me that will do anything to protect her young. I know if anyone intentionally harmed anyone in my family, I would want justice for their suffering. I feel so much sympathy for the victims and the families of the victims of these horrific events. My prayers go out to them.

What makes it so sad for these families is that the charges and trials against the detainees have been suspended, even for one detainee who is responsible for the Cole bombing. This is not fair to families who had loved ones killed by evil people.

I have lots of questions: Where are the detainees going when "Gitmo" is shut down? Is there a plan? Will this plan protect us from their wrath and revenge? Does the administration actually think these detainees are going to stick around to see if they should eventually be brought to trial - once they are set free? Does the administration believe that the detainess now love America?

If the detainess are sent back to their home countries, I feel they will disappear into the shadows and regroup only to reappear during another attack in the future. I pray that the administration comes up with a fail-safe plan before "Gitmo" is closed.

Friday, February 6, 2009

How Well I Remember!!!

My friend, Carolyn, sent me this menu from the fifties in an e-mail. Oh boy - it sure did bring back memories. I have eaten at Woolworth's many times in the good ol' days. Check out the prices. I see cent signs and not dollar signs. Doesn't it make you nostalgic for the era in our history when most of our nation's companies and corporations weren't ruled by greed and extravagance?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bits And Pieces But Not Much Of Anything

There are days I just don't feel inspired to blog. But I have been reading some news stories that deserve a small comment.

I feel sure most people have heard about the lady who had eight babies and already had six children at home. Then I read a story about a 60 year old lady who had twins by artificial means. These two news stories would go in the "what were they thinking" category.

The last bit for today is about the proposed stimulus package. This part goes in the "that needs to go" category. "Hollywood" would get to write off half the production and filming costs of the big-budget films and TV shows. The tax break for them amounted to $246 million. Whether this special tax break is still included, I do not know for sure but the story stated that the Senate Republicans stripped the tax break from the package. I believe the Hollywood producers, etc. can recover their expenses through box office and merchandise sales so I have a problem feeling too sorry for them.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Do You Remember This Voice?

This is the bass-baritone voice of George Beverly Shea singing "Sweet Hour of Prayer". Shea started singing and traveling with the Billy Graham Crusade in 1947. His wonderful voice would resonate through the thousands of people who attended each Billy Graham Crusade. His songs and booming voice have brought comfort, hope and inspiration to millions of people over the years, including me.

Yesterday - he turned 100 years old! HAPPY BIRTHDAY - GEORGE BEVERLY SHEA!!!