I try to stay out of politics on my blog but there are times when I feel strongly about something and I want to have my say. My first thought was to go back to 1993 and write about the events which I feel made it necessary to establish a detention facility like Guantanamo Bay but decided to stick to why I oppose closing the facility.
I read and heard about President Obama's meeting with invited families of the 9-11 victims and those of the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole. Some declined to accept the invitation. But this story got me to thinking.
I know in my head and heart that God will judge those who committed these atrocities. But then there is the "mother bear" in me that will do anything to protect her young. I know if anyone
intentionally harmed anyone in my family, I would want justice for their suffering. I feel so much sympathy for the victims and the families of the victims of these horrific events. My prayers go out to them.
What makes it so sad for these families is that the charges and trials against the detainees have been suspended, even for one detainee who is responsible for the Cole bombing. This is not fair to families who had loved ones killed by evil people.
I have lots of questions: Where are the detainees going when "Gitmo" is shut down? Is there a plan? Will this plan protect us from their wrath and revenge? Does the administration actually think these detainees are going to stick around to see if they should eventually be brought to trial - once they are set free? Does the administration believe that the detainess now love America?
If the detainess are sent back to their home countries, I feel they will disappear into the shadows and regroup only to reappear during another attack in the future. I pray that the administration comes up with a fail-safe plan before "Gitmo" is closed.