Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Photo Op Arrogant And Insensitive

Maybe I shouldn't watch or read the news anymore because I am sure finding a lot of stuff that irritates me. When I saw this incident on video, I was appalled and full of empathy for the people who had to endure it.

I cannot believe that someone in the President's administration is arrogant enough to believe that his decision to do a low fly-over using the President's plane with F-16's chasing it would not upset the citizens of NYC. The people in Lower Manhattan were rightfully terrified at this sight. The mayor of NYC evidently was not informed of the "photo op" and he was furious and his anger is just.

I read an article on the web found on www.nypost.com pertaining to this ignorant action approved by the Director of the White House Military Office. It is my opinion that this person should not approve anything in the future if this is an example of how he makes decisions.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Follow Up On My Global Warming Post

I recently found some more information that contradicts Al Gore's global warming movie. It is presented on You Tube and points out 35 errors found in Gore's movie. It will give you something to think about.

Lord Christopher Monckton, a former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher pointed out these errors in several forums. Of course, I recommend his website to read the transcript of these videos if you wish. Also, the following website has more links pertaining to errors and exaggerations presented in "global warming" scare tactics. http://www.scienceandpublicpolicy.org/

Monckton was supposed to appear with Al Gore at a global warming hearing this past Friday (April 24th) in Washington. However, Monckton states that when his plane from England landed in Washington, he was informed his invitation was rescinded. That's the reason I'm passing along some of Monckton's thoughts on global warming. I believe it is important to get all sides of the global warming story so each person can make up their own mind.

As I stated before, climate is always changing - always has and always will. It changed to extreme warmth when there were no cars or smoke stacks. It is my opinion that climate change is a phenomenon that exists and at this time, scientists can only speculate on the causes, the length of time it takes for the change to occur, and the severity of the final change. After all, it could warm a little bit and then start cooling again. Again, opinions are like heads - everybody has one.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Earth Day Contribution - Part 2

I will continue my rantings from yesterday. There are some environmental issues that do bug me more than the "global warming alarmists".

PLASTIC and TRASH - I don't like plastic grocery bags. I believe they were originally utilized because "tree huggers" wanted to save trees and not use paper. My friends - trees are a renewable resource. Botanists and horticulturists have developed some very fast growing trees. Tree farms and plantations produce wood to make paper. And believe me, there are enough "tree huggers" around now that clear-cutting would not be a problem anymore. Paper will eventually decompose but plastic will be around almost forever.

I have never liked plastic grocery bags:

1st - because my groceries usually fall out and I have to round them up and rebag them before I can bring them in the house.

2nd - those plastic bags are used everywhere now and end up on the highways and in the waterways. People who litter make me ill.

3rd - when the bags and other plastic things end up in the waterways, aquatic life is destroyed. I like the beauty of lakes, ponds, rivers, etc. and love fish. So please keep your plastic to yourself and BRING BACK PAPER!!!

Now on to the next environmental issue that really bugs me. There are many things in life that are beyond our control and we don't get to make a decision about them. But there are some things we do get to decide. When making those decisions, we don't weigh all the pros and cons. We don't give some of our decisions enough thought and sometimes those decisions put our well-being at risk. You are probably wondering what I am talking about.

Why do people build their homes on barrier islands? The islands developed from wave action and possibly hurricanes over a long period of time and they are meant to be temporary. But people build homes on them to enjoy the good life and have to end up building jetties, sea walls, etc. to keep their beaches from washing away. A major hurricane will take what ever it wants - including beach front property and homes. The washing of the sand from the beach and the erosion of the property are natural and are constantly changing. It seems to me that a person can not really own a beach because Nature is going change it or take it to the sea and put it some where else.

Why do people cut out a mountain and build their homes on the side of it? No matter how structurally correct and sound a building engineer has told you your mountain side home is - with enough rainfall and the right conditions - it can fall down. I have seen some standing for many years and some that have slid down the hill after just a few years.

Now, thankfully we live in America and people are allowed their freedom to make their own decision about where they live. But think before you build.

I know opinions are just like heads - everyone has one. All of this is my opinion and thank you for letting me have my say.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Earth Day Contribution - Part 1

Sometimes people do not think in logical terms and want to blame all bad changes in our environment on something we can control. I don't agree with many of the theories put forth about global warming so I want to express my opinion.

Yesterday, I heard a new theory about obesity contributing to global warming. What!? I just had to throw that statement in because it struck me as humorous.

As almost all of us know, our environment, landscapes and climate have been changing for thousands and thousands of years. For example, during the Mesozoic Era (about 245 million years ago to about 65 million years ago) - the climate was so warm that there were no ice caps at all. Food was plentiful because plants loved the warmth and moisture. And we weren't even here so we didn't cause it.

There have been several ice ages through time and it is believed that another one would have begun more recently but it was stalled because people began intense farming about 8,000 years ago and messed up the atmosphere with "greenhouse gases". Others believe movements within the earth and volcanoes cause the "greenhouse gases". Some believe in the Milankovitch Cycles which states climate suffers warming/cooling changes because of one of three Earth orbital changes.

In all my reading, I have found lots of theories and hypotheses about the causes of dramatic climate changes but nothing that is concrete. Only one thing is certain - climatic changes are cyclical. Geological history shows these cycles occurring even when there were no people.

Sea levels are continually changing also. For example, as late as 55 million years ago, the Atlantic Ocean was 100 miles inland in South Carolina. It is my opinion that it will change again but how long it will take or why - I don't know but neither does Al Gore.

The point of all this is that the Earth's climate is going to go through dramatic changes with us or without us. So to all the "global warming alarmists" - chill out! Yes! The climate will change and we don't know why or how long it will take.

Tomorrow, I will write about some things that actually do bug me - trash (particularly plastic grocery bags) and other stupid people tricks.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A New Day - Rejoice - We Are Blessed!

"The Blessings That Are Ours Because He Lives"

"Joy - for He has triumphed over death.

Peace - for He has forgiven our sins.

Purpose - for He walks with us every day.

Love - for His presence fills our hearts.

Hope - for He is coming again."

~ Author Unknown

"From the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another." ~ John 1:16 (NIV)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bobby's Exercise Program - You Might Want To Try It

Bobby - A Man Of Deep Thought - Wise Beyond His Years

My friend Bobby sent me an exercise program via e-mail. He has been participating in this program and declares that he has seen great results. I thought I would share it with my readers in case you want to start getting in shape.
  1. Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.

  2. With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.

  3. Each day you'll find you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.

  4. Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute.

  5. After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Great Palm Sunday

~Beulah Baptist Church~
~Prayers For A Mission Team Leaving For West Africa Tomorrow~
Keep Them In Your Prayers.

Today's service at Beulah Baptist Church was uplifting and "joyful". I mentioned joyful because Pastor Brad related the difference between experiencing joy and experiencing happiness. I felt the message was uplifting.

I would try to relay to you what Pastor Brad said but I believe his own words would best explain this message. Fortunately, Pastor Brad now has a blog and he posted a synopsis of this message on April 3rd. Go to his blog: http://www.wordunhindered.blogspot.com/ and read it. It is well worth the read.

Today I witnessed 3 people who came forward and gave their lives to Christ and made the decision to follow Him. That brings me "joy"! And the best thing about their decision is that now they will feel true joy/fellowship!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Incredible Act Of Kindness

I know many good people that help their neighbors at every opportunity. I have watched "news" reports of wealthy philanthropists who donate their money to a worthy cause. I have watched dedicated Christians sacrifice their time to practice their faith and spread the Gospel. All of these people are special and are blessed with a special kindness and concern for others. But I believe the story I heard on WIS TV last night was an incredible act of kindness and needs to be mentioned.

Hannah Horne reported on the 11 O'clock News about a man who gave up his job so that a co-worker could keep his. Mike Camp and Ralph Hanahan worked together and were informed by their employer that due to cut-backs, one of them would lose their job. Hanahan volunteered to give up his job so Camp could stay.

Hanahan would lose his seniority (only lacking 7 yrs. before his retirement from the state) but he unselfishly realized that sacrificing his job would be far less traumatic than if Camp lost his job. Hanahan realized that the job loss of his friend would result in no money for the Camps and their four children. But even more dire would be that the Camps would have no insurance. Insurance was absolutely necessary for the Camps because one of their children has autism and requires daily therapy.

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with God's people who are in need." ~ Romans 12:10-13 (NIV)

I do believe that Ralph Hanahan is serving the Lord. I'm not sure many of us would have made the sacrifice he did. His quote: " 'God will take care of us, Jenny and I believe that very deeply' ".

" 'God has taught me so much through this whole experience about loving your fellow man and how important it is,' says Camp."

This is probably one of most compelling, inspiring stories I've heard in a long time. The entire story and a video can be found on the following website: http://www.wistv.com/

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Did You Know?

- Man Arrested Driving Drunk On A Bar stool - Strange but true! This is the first time I have heard of this. A man in Ohio was arrested for DUI. The fact that a man was arrested for DUI is not a first but the machine he was driving is a first. Of course, I may be out of the loop. Have you ever seen a vehicle made from a bar stool?

The man called 911 for help because he had a wreck and needed assistance. The police arrived to find the injured man and his bar stool. The man explained he built himself a "ride" using a lawnmower engine and a bar stool. His "ride" would travel at nearly 40 mph but he explained to the police that he was only going 20 mph when he crashed. He was charged for the DUI and driving with a suspended license. However, he did get to keep his bar stool.

My faithful readers know I always wonder about the origin of words and today I was thinking - why are hamburgers called hamburgers and they are made out of beef. Of course, I had to research this anomaly. I found many references to people who claim to have made the first hamburger but the following is the only reference I found as to why the hamburger is not made from ham.

"Western New York history recorded that Frank and Charles Menches ran out of pork for their sausage patty sandwiches at the 1885 Erie County Fair. Their supplier, reluctant to butcher more hogs in the summer heat, suggested they use beef instead. The brothers fried some up, but found it bland. They added coffee, brown sugar, and other ingredients to create a taste which stands distinct without condiments. They christened their creation the "Hamburg Sandwich" after Hamburg, New York where the fair has been held since 1868; the name was probably later condensed by common use to the shorter contraction "hamburger" (and so explaining why a beef sandwich--which never contained any pork--bears this name). The original recipe is featured at Menches Brothers Restaurants in Akron, Ohio. " - wikipedia.org