Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Earth Day Contribution - Part 1

Sometimes people do not think in logical terms and want to blame all bad changes in our environment on something we can control. I don't agree with many of the theories put forth about global warming so I want to express my opinion.

Yesterday, I heard a new theory about obesity contributing to global warming. What!? I just had to throw that statement in because it struck me as humorous.

As almost all of us know, our environment, landscapes and climate have been changing for thousands and thousands of years. For example, during the Mesozoic Era (about 245 million years ago to about 65 million years ago) - the climate was so warm that there were no ice caps at all. Food was plentiful because plants loved the warmth and moisture. And we weren't even here so we didn't cause it.

There have been several ice ages through time and it is believed that another one would have begun more recently but it was stalled because people began intense farming about 8,000 years ago and messed up the atmosphere with "greenhouse gases". Others believe movements within the earth and volcanoes cause the "greenhouse gases". Some believe in the Milankovitch Cycles which states climate suffers warming/cooling changes because of one of three Earth orbital changes.

In all my reading, I have found lots of theories and hypotheses about the causes of dramatic climate changes but nothing that is concrete. Only one thing is certain - climatic changes are cyclical. Geological history shows these cycles occurring even when there were no people.

Sea levels are continually changing also. For example, as late as 55 million years ago, the Atlantic Ocean was 100 miles inland in South Carolina. It is my opinion that it will change again but how long it will take or why - I don't know but neither does Al Gore.

The point of all this is that the Earth's climate is going to go through dramatic changes with us or without us. So to all the "global warming alarmists" - chill out! Yes! The climate will change and we don't know why or how long it will take.

Tomorrow, I will write about some things that actually do bug me - trash (particularly plastic grocery bags) and other stupid people tricks.

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