OK, What do you do when all of the weather people say there is a 90% chance of snow and freezing temperatures tonight? Well, I try to make sure I have all of the food and supplies that I may need to last until the ice is gone. Many times the power goes out and the roads aren't passable for a couple of days. Even if the roads are passable, there is often an icy patch here and there.
This morning I awoke to a cold rain (temperature around 40 degrees). The weather people said the precipitation would start as rain - they were right about that. I immediately started cooking because that's what I've always done when bad weather is coming. I got all of my food reserves ready finally about 1:30 this afternoon and started my "snow watch". The weather people said the rain would turn to snow about 4:00 P. M. Four o'clock came and went and NO SNOW - but lots of cold rain. Five o'clock came and went and NO SNOW! Six o'clock came and went and NO SNOW!
The revised forecast says the precipitation will be gone before the temperature drops to freezing. Since the temperature will eventually drop to the 20's, all these puddles will be frozen by morning and the roads will be slippery. Everyone that has to be out in the morning - be very careful.
Well, I guess I have prepared enough food for a couple of days and won't have to cook. That's a good thing. But I still wish we had the snow. If we had to have the cold temperatures, at least we could have had the pretty snow to look at. Well - there's always the next time.