Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Tribute To My Friends

I was thinking about my dear friends. Friends are great to have and I have been blessed to have friends who care greatly about me. They make me laugh. They listen to me gripe. They lift my spirits. They reinforce my faith. My friends are great! I thank God each day for their friendships.

But today, I am going to write about one of my friends that I haven't talked to in a long time. I called Corliss today and she was her usual enthusiastic self. She lost her husband not long ago. I know she has many emotional trials each day from her loss and experiences the stress of being the "bread winner" and having the responsibility of raising two children. But she is a woman of faith and has an attitude toward life that is awesome. When you listen to her and feel her optimism, you can't feel down. She thinks about the positive and has such a drive to succeed that a conversation with her is like a shower of sunshine. I enjoyed my lengthy conversation with her.

Thank you my friends and may God Bless You All!

1 comment:

crbaxter said...

I, too, enjoyed our conversation today. Your comments overwhelmed me with tears of joy. I treasure our friendship and look forward to our long awaited lunch together. God bless and keep you!
