Sunday, April 27, 2008

Relax and Listen

Josh Groban Sings "Remember When It Rained"

Great song and great video

Click on play, lean back, and enjoy!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Flamingo Road Church - The Bed Series Continues

Good Morning - this is a reminder that "The Bed" series continues this weekend. Pastor Brian informed me that there were 1,007 attendees on the FRC Internet Campus last weekend. Awesome! We'll have to watch to see what this is all about but I feel sure that Pastor Troy and his wife Stephanie will relate a message that will be a great learning experience for everyone. We need to listen and learn so we can reach our God Potential.

Saturdays - 5:00 & 6:30 PM

Sundays - 9:30 & 11:00 AM; 12:30 & 5:00 PM

*Don't forget to sign on to the Internet Campus early so you can chat with other great people around the world.

**I learned from Pastor Brian's Internet Campus Newsletter that he will be starting an Online Bible Study beginning this Thursday at 7:00 PM. The Bible Study will conclude with a Q & A session. I'm looking forward to this new addition to our FRC Online Campus. Hope to see you there.

Friday, April 25, 2008


The good ol' boys from Georgia

praising God - The Lord of All Creation

Don't Worry - Football Will Return

My friend Bobby loves college football. The problem is that it is over 'til the Fall and he has been so upset about it. This picture shows just how stressed he is. Relax Bobby - football will start again before you know it.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I'm Talking About Third Day Again

I received an e-mail from Third Day yesterday. Don't get excited - I don't know them personally - but I am a fan club member. Their new single "Call My Name" was featured on the Dove Awards last night on the Gospel Music Channel. I didn't get to see the Dove Awards because I don't get that channel. But their new CD "Revelation" with "Call My Name" will be coming out in late July. I have heard "Call My Name" and it is great.

Another good reason I believe Third Day Rocks! Look where they are!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

WARNING - Do You Want To Look Like This?

I am not getting into politics and this is not posted to show political favoritism toward any of the candidates. I am doing this as a public service.

I would be remiss if I didn't state my opinion that the candidates should portray themselves in a Christian way at all times. They know that they are in the spot light and their actions affect and influence others.

I first saw this picture on TV and found it repulsive. I have one question - what was she thinking? I think she could have spent her time better promoting herself in a more positive way than bellying up to the bar with the "other guys" - having whiskey shots with beer chasers for a photo opportunity.


Does this set a great example for our youth? Definitely not but it does show them what will happen to their faces if they succumb to peer pressure. Please let this photo serve as a warning.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Enough Already!!!

Are you getting as tired of this as I am? Every time I turn on the TV, it's she said ... or he said... . Change the station - won't work - they're still going to be there. How many years has this primary been going on? Are not the endless number of debates, speeches, and media coverage getting redundant and boring?

More "New Age" Philosophy - They Found Inner Peace And Happiness

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sometimes You Just Have To Lie Down

Yep - that's the way I feel

My Faithful Readers - I haven't blogged in the last couple of days for a couple of reasons. The first reason is that I have "blogger's block" and I haven't been able to think about any thing interesting to blog about. I know you are saying - that hasn't stopped you before. Seriously, ideas would be appreciated. Give me a suggestion and I'll do my best to state an opinion about the subject.

Secondly, I haven't been feeling great for the last couple of weeks and have a MRI scheduled this week. After that, I guess I'll have something to blog about. I'll have to give you a play by play of my MRI because I've never had one and to tell you the truth - I'm not looking forward to it. I don't fear it but rather hate it just because it is a medical thing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Old Philosophy Returning But It Still Lacks Common Sense

I have always tried to steer clear of controversy but I need to delve a bit into something that really bothers me. I have been reading about the controversy of the book by Eckhart Tolle, A NEW EARTH. I have not read this book nor do I intend to. But from all the reviews, I know it is about raising self-consciousness and is based on some "new age" beliefs. I am not doing a book review because I have not read it but rather stating my opinion about "new age" philosophy. Let me say before I begin that I do not pretend to be an authority on "new age" philosophy but I know it is sad when people think that "self" is the only important thing in their lives and exclude Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Excuse me while I confer with my guru (just joking).

The "new age" philosophy is hardly a new concept. It has been around for thousands of years in numerous sub-cultures. The concept of one world order has been tried before and failed. What could succeed without Jesus in the forefront?

"New Age" philosophy includes (of course, I don't know them all):

Divine practices like astrology (Could be a form of entertainment, not a belief.)

If it makes you happy - do it (Give me a break! What makes you happy could be very hurtful to someone else. How would this belief embrace the "new age" philosophy of karma and how would it create positivism?)

The need for meditation (I meditate in the most effective way by praying.)

Man is divine and perfect and the only problem is ignorance of that feeling and gnosticism will enlighten us (Huh?)

All of this reminds me of the sub-cultures of more modern times - beatniks in the 50's and hippies in the 60's. Oops! Where have all the flower children gone? Now, we have the "new age" people who are pushing a philosophy that lacks any common sense.

Now for the one "new age" belief that really makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up: belief that our Jesus Christ is a divine principle and is not an individual. I know the sacrifice Jesus made for me and I refuse to deny His existence for any one.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8 (NIV)

I also like the scripture found in John 10 about the Shepherd and His Flock. I will write part of it here but I recommend that you read it for yourselves.

"I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:9-10 (NIV)

"So, do you really want to know how to find fulfillment and how to find true happiness? Try the Bible and especially the Gospels. The Bible will instruct you on how to find these things - not just instant or short term self-gratification but fulfillment, happiness, and gratification for an eternity. When you get in dire straits- who are you going to call on - your guru or Jesus Christ?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Casting Crowns - "East To West"

This is a great song about faith, hope and forgiveness. The person that made this video did an awesome job. Click, Listen and Enjoy!!!


Good Morning Readers

Today is Saturday and "THE BED" Series continues at Flamingo Road Church. Just to remind you of the service times, I will list them and hopefully one of them will fit your schedule:

Saturdays - 5:00 & 6:30 PM
Sundays - 9:30 & 11:00 AM and 12:30 & 5:00 PM

Pastor Brian reports that 1,185 people attended one of the internet services last weekend. I hope that you will be one of the attendees this weekend.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Aroma Therapy

Is aroma really therapy? Have you ever walked into one of the specialty stores and looked at the aroma therapy displays - picking up a few samples to inhale their healing scents. Many claim to help the symptoms of anxiety, stress, irritability, mental fatigue, panic attacks - just to name a few of our ills. Most of the scents I have tested make me either nauseated, gag, or cough. Now, I don't mind a small spurt of the lavender scent but that's about it. In other words, I don't find most of those scents therapeutic. They definitely don't make feel calm and serene.

Have you ever been in a movie theater and sat next to someone who decided that rather than take a bath with soap and water - they would soak themselves in a bottle of perfume or cheap cologne? It makes my eyes water and my nose stop up and sometimes get a little queasy. How does some one's cheap cologne affect you? Here's another example - has this ever happened to you? I have been standing in line waiting to board an airplane and all of a sudden - there it is - the "loudest" perfume I've ever smelled. I think - Oh No! Please don't let this person be in the seat next to mine! And guess what - that person is three rows up and my eyes are still watering. That doesn't make me feel calm and serene either.

Now, I will share some of my favorite scents: freshly plowed fields, grass right after it has been mowed, the smell of the air after an April shower, popcorn at the movie theater, and of course - what could be better than the smell of chocolate? Now that's aroma therapy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

"... Faith And Hope"

Picture from Mark Lee's Blog at

I try to visit Third Day's website as often as possible to see what's happening. From the website, I visit the Third Day blogs. While reading Mark Lee's Blog, I found that Third Day was honored by the Georgia House of Representatives and the Georgia State Senate on April 1st for " 'contributions to the citizens of this state which they have provided through their musical message of faith and hope.' "

What an honor! I believe that "contributing faith and hope" should be honored as often as possible and Third Day is certainly deserving of this tribute - not only in Georgia but all over the world. They do a marvelous job of spreading the Gospel using their God-Given talents.

I have never seen Third Day in suits and had a hard time finding them in the picture in their "dress up" clothes. However, they did "clean up" nice and were shining in this picture. I hope they continue spreading God's words for many years to come. By the way, I have added Mark's Blog to my favorites (in the right column) so you can visit and read this post for yourselves.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Daniel Powter - Bad Day

Enjoy - it has a negative title but the video shows a positive ending.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

WOW !!! Phenomenal Sight

If you have read my profile, you know that I love geography and spend a lot of my free time looking for anything pertaining to geography to study. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) gives great information to the public and I enjoy reading the information they provide. I found one of their websites that shows some awesome pictures - It is there that I found this photo by Wayne Jones which was taken near the Greenville-Spartanburg, SC airport.

This phenomenal sight is called a tangent arc. The formation has to do with the position of the sun, cirrus clouds, and ice crystals. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the arc except some of the elements that are needed to create it. It is now my personal project to find a simple explanation so I can understand.

However, I thought I would share this picture with you. If you know about the arc and have an easy - to - understand explanation, let me know.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

A New FRC Series Begins ! THE BED?

I waited to get my weekly newsletter from Pastor Brian about last week's stats on the Flamingo Road Internet Campus before I posted about the beginning of a new series. The title of the new series is "The Bed" - this weekend's topic is the "Bed Defiled".

You're probably saying, "What"? Well, I don't know - I'll be watching one of the services to find out. You can too - service times:

Saturdays: 5:00 & 6:30 PM
Sundays: 9:30 & 11:00 AM and 12:30 & 5:00 PM
Go Live - Internet Campus

Pastor Brian reports that 1,019 attended the internet services last weekend and that 34 countries have now connected through the internet campus. Awesome!

It's Raining Again But At Least It's Not Cold

We should be catching up on our rain deficit because we have had a lot of rain lately.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pioneers of Rock and Roll

This is such an awesome video. If you know these guys, you will love it. I can't imagine too many people who would not know who they are.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What's So Special About Today? IT'S CAROLYN'S BIRTHDAY!!!

Yes it is - Carolyn is another year older. She is probably one of the busiest people I know but she does know how to get away and relax. Carolyn and Skip love to travel and enjoy their lives together - a fabulous couple! Carolyn and I have been friends for many years and I would like to borrow a couple of great quotes to pay tribute to her on her birthday and to our friendship.

An optimist is the human personification
of spring. ~ Susan J. Bissonette

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg
even if you are half-cracked. ~ Author Unknown

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Check Out The Gas Prices !!!

A lot can be said about the good old days and I believe the gas prices rank right up there on top!

What Do You Mean? Well, Let's Say That .......

Jesus Used Parables To Teach About God's Kingdom

Mustard Seed

"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed,
which a man took and planted in his field.
Though it is the smallest of all your seeds, yet
when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants
and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the
air come and perch in its branches."
Matthew 13:31-32 (NIV)

My mustard seed necklace was one of the few pieces of jewelry I owned as a child. It was given to me on Christmas when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I thought it was really neat but I didn't really understand its significance. I remember one Sunday morning during Sunday School the teacher started talking about the mustard seed and my ears certainly perked up. The teacher told us something like - your faith may be small like the mustard seed now but if you continue to trust and obey Jesus, you will have a very big faith. Wow! I thought my necklace was really special after that.

Why did Jesus teach using Parables? When I was younger, I never understood why He used these examples but as years have passed I have a better understanding of His actions. So many times, I have been trying to explain something to someone and he/she would look puzzled and I could tell that he/she didn't understand what I was saying. Then I would say - well let's say that you were... so forth and so on (giving an example that may help relate what I was trying to say in different words with the same meaning).

I will try to explain what the parable means to me. Jesus is the man who was planting the seeds in the parable. He was explaining the Kingdom of God in basic terms that could be understood by the masses. The seeds should continue to be planted throughout time by everyone of faith - all over the world. Each person who has found Salvation through Christ helps the tree to grow. The parable continues to say that birds will have a place to come and perch on the tree. This to me means that the faithful can find rest in Him and have a place in God's Kingdom. Just like my "family tree" gets larger and larger, so does my "family tree" in Christ.