Sunday, October 14, 2007


Yesterday, I attended a great conference. It was really an "eye opening" experience. I always considered myself a good person and always try to obey God's law as well as man's law. I thought I was doing a pretty good job but Ray Comfort, Kirk Cameron, Todd Friel and Emeal Zwayne set me straight. None of us are without sin, even us Christians. The question is - have I repented all my past sins, asked for forgiveness and asked for the gift of everlasting life? What if I died today without doing this? That is a scary thought. Your outside appearance and actions do not fool God. God sees your insides and knows what is really there.

The four men delivered a message for everyone. They are articulate and God has given them a gift which allows them to teach in a way that even the most "thick headed" person can comprehend the urgency of their message. They also stressed that it is our responsibility to make sure all people we encounter know this urgency and realize they need to repent their sins so they, too, can have everlasting life. Our responsibility is to present the facts and to show the only way for the unsaved to get to Heaven.

They showed how to measure your goodness by using "God's Moral Standard of Goodness" which are THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. I would suggest that everyone who thinks they are a good person go to their website - - and take the test and find out how good you actually are and if you are good enough to go to Heaven.

I consider my attendance at this conference to be a blessing. It made me realize that I must work on myself and the other people who are journeying through life with me to find the true and only way to get to Heaven. Thank you, God, for these gifted and dedicated men, their families and staff.

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