Friday, January 30, 2009

Popcorn Sutton

I always like to read The Mountaineer Newspaper ( and happened to notice this story about Popcorn Sutton. In fact, there are numerous stories about him on the internet. He has a rather large following and many supporters. He is a folk-hero in Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee. This post about Popcorn comes from several internet sources, including The Mountaineer. Of course, I added my two cents.

I did not know him personally but I knew of his reputation. There have been documentaries made about him and his profession on the History Channel and the Discovery Channel. As you can see in one of the above pictures, he wrote a book about making "likker".

I know he looks like a harmless old man but that is not the entire story. From his pictures, he looks like he is about 80 years old but he is only 62. I think his lifestyle has probably contributed to his rapid aging. It is said that he lights one match a day - that is one match in the morning and lights his cigarette and continually lights another one from one already lit all day. Of course, I feel sure he does a lot of tasting of his "likker".

In the past, he has been convicted on having an unregistered still and manufacturing untaxed liquor and was given probation. He was convicted on a felony drug offense and was given a suspended sentence. He was convicted for an assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. He has been jailed numerous times for alcohol related offenses. He had always "lucked out" and evidently gotten lenient judges each time but he did not get so lucky this time. Early last year, Popcorn was caught when he sold about 200 gallons of his "likker" to an undercover agent. He mentioned to the undercover agent not to worry because the local law would not bother them. But this agent wasn't the local law; he was a federal agent.

Well, this past Monday, Popcorn appeared in Federal Court in Tennessee and was given 18 months in a Kentucky Federal Penitentiary. Popcorn and his attorney pleaded for probation due to the fact that he was old, sick and he promised that he wasn't going to make any more liquor. Popcorn went on to say that he had always prayed to God that he could die at home.

The judge reminded Popcorn that he had five prior felony convictions and that he always got probation. The judge went on to say that Popcorn continued to break the law, seemed proud of it and showed no remorse at all. There were no documents presented that showed Popcorn was too sick to go to prison or that he was incapable of committing more crimes. So Popcorn received his 18 month sentence but he was given 10 months credit for already being on house arrest. I believe the sentence was just but I also find it sad because I believe he realizes he is getting older and that his health is declining. Being a folk-hero has taken a toll on his health and on his ability to enjoy his older years.

Hopefully, Popcorn will ask God for strength and forgiveness so that he can live out his remaining years at home in peace like he wants.

"If we claim to be without sin, we
deceive ourselves and the
truth is not in us.If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just and will
forgive us our sins
and purify us from all unrighteousness".
1 John 1:8-9

Proud Of My Childhood Hometown

Location of Canton in North Carolina

Canton, North Carolina

Pisgah High School Band In Labor Day Parade

(Pisgah High School was named

Canton High School when I attended)

Canton, North Carolina - my hometown - is very special to me. I have fond memories of the small town and the friendly people. According to the 2000 Census, there were 4,029 people living there. And I can guarantee that they are all just as kind and neighborly as when I was growing up there. I still have relatives and friends that live there and in the surrounding areas who are so special to me. So, if you're ever traveling through Haywood County, NC - stop by Canton and meet some friendly people.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Just A Thought About Economic Stimulus

Developing Story: The government has now decided to postpone the transition to DTV conversion for four months. They ran out of money and coupons but have no fear the government will include more money for this program in the new economic stimulus package.

My question is: who were the planners of this program and what were they thinking?

I have been hearing about converting all TV reception to digital on February 17th for almost almost two years. The news media stressed that all would be OK because the government would give coupons to the people who don't have digital TVs or cable or satellite service. These coupons will help pay for a box that will convert the analog service to digital. All would be well.

I would like to share my story with you. I am one of the people that uses "rabbit ears" on 2 of my TVs because I can only afford satellite on my main TV in the living room. So, I applied for 2 coupons. The coupons came and I noticed that they would expire 90 days after they were mailed. OK, no problem - I thought. I put the coupons away and really didn't think much about it because I really don't think about digital TV 24-7.

Then the local TV stations ran a trial to see if everyone in the area was ready for the conversion. Well - my 2 "rabbit ear" TVs weren't ready. I went to get my coupons from the drawer where I had stashed them and to my amazement - they were expired. As I was staring at my expired coupons, I heard the news commentator responding to a question from a viewer about expired coupons. She said that the viewer could not use them and could not get new coupons because each household was entitled to only two. But, she went on to suggest that the viewer could possibly find a friend who didn't need the coupons and let the friend order them for the viewer.

This brings me to my point. The conversion was to be on February 17, 2009. So why did any of the coupons expire before that date? I believe the original planners of this coupon program had a "stupid fit". It is logical that the program would not have run out of coupons if they had a reasonable expiration date on them (like February 17th...duh!). I believe that many of the people who received the coupons were like me - either absentminded or are on fixed incomes which made them have to delay the purchase of the converter boxes until they could afford them. Now - if the planners had used the conversion date as the expiration date of the coupons (1) they would not have run out of coupons (2) they would not have run out of money because I feel sure they had to send out millions of coupons to people unnecessarily because of expired coupons.

Sorry but I had to get on my "bandwagon" a little bit and state my opinion about something I feel strongly about. However, I am happy to announce that I am ready for the conversion - no matter when it is.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sopping Pot Liquor and Gravy



Blackeyed Peas
Biscuits and Gravy

I thought I'd share with my readers some of my sopping favorites. Over the years, I have developed my favorites when it comes to pot liquors and which bread I use to sop.

Cornbread, of course, is best for collard, cabbage, pole bean, pinto and other dried bean pot liquors. Cornbread seems to work well with the pot liquor in stews also.

I prefer biscuits with all milk gravies and gravies made from the grease of pan fried foods. Of course, biscuits are good with molasses and butter.

I know all this may seem trivial but it is important when I go out to eat and have to select a restaurant for my dining pleasure. Most fancy restaurants don't have food with pot liquor or cornbread or biscuits. Also, if I happen to find a bit of juice left on my plate that I can sop, the hard rolls most fancy restaurants serve aren't very good absorbers and I usually end up pushing the juice around. Now, I do have a little class so I'm not going to spend too much time chasing the juice around. Instead, I'll just lift my plate and lick it (please know I am kidding about licking my plate but it is an idea).

Are there any readers out there that enjoy sopping as much as I do?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Onion Attack

One of the culprits

I covered the wound for the pictures to spare you from the gore.

I really am curious if anyone else has suffered an injury from an onion. Here's the way it went down on Monday (I watch a lot of cop shows). The vic (that's me) was going to make chili. Of course, one of the main ingredients in chili is onions.

I went to the grocery store to get a couple of onions for my chili. I approached the bin containing a big pile of onions with caution because I know onions can be vicious at times. And just as I stuck my hand into the bin to make my selection, my fear became reality - the perp (alleged onion) struck my thumb with intense force.

I immediately felt the stinging pain and withdrew my hand from the bin and examined my wound. I noticed a red spot on my thumb and tried to be brave as the pain became greater. Unfortunately, this was a covert operation and I was unable to pick the perp out of a line up. But, I am a "brave lil' soldier" so I "sucked it up" and continued my shopping.

Seriously though, that little prick from an onion has caused my thumb to swell, turn red and throb for days. It even had a fever. I am a fan of the T.V. show "House" so I immediately tried to diagnose the injury. Is it a splinter? I don't see one and I have never heard of onions having splinters. Is it a spider bite? I hope not.

I use the "old school" treatments for wounds: an Epsom salt soak to draw out the infection and ease the soreness, a white vinegar soak as an antibiotic, Dial soap to wash it and a band-aid so I can't see it. I must say that the treatment has helped but my thumb is still red around the once red dot. I can see it is definitely infected so I may have to give in and go to the doctor. My home remedies aren't working fast enough because it has been 5 days since the onion attack. But it's going to be embarassing to tell the doctor that I hurt my thumb on an onion.

Does anyone know if onions have splinters or some other debris that could do this?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Little More About the Inaugural

Pastor Rick Warren

I salute President Obama and Rick Warren for ignoring protests to have Pastor Warren banned from delivering the invocation at the Inaugural. Pastor Warren did not cave in and ignore Christ in his invocation. In fact, he mentioned his love and trust in Jesus several times. He even repeated the name of Jesus in several languages and continued to recite the Lord's Prayer. Yea! Rick Warren!

For months now, I hear news commentators talk about our nation in turmoil. I believe the words I heard Franklin Graham speak on Fox News this morning pretty well sum up why our nation might be in turmoil. He stated that when you take God out of government, there will be turmoil. We, as Christians, know the turmoil we feel in our personal lives when we leave God out of it. He delivered a wonderful explanation about why God needs to be in every part of our lives. We should not try to be politically correct and ignore God. He said that God has been banned little by little from the public by lawyers and government over the past 50 or 60 years. This country was founded on "In God We Trust". Our founding fathers do not want to take God out of government or schools.

If there is ever a time to put God back in government, it is now. Again, I thank Rick Warren and President Obama for standing up for their beliefs and not denying Christ to be politically correct.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I watched the inauguration and I'll give you my take on the great celebration. It has nothing to do with the Obamas because I believe they were gracious to George W. and his family.

My disappointment lies in the mass of "so-called great Americans" who were cold and abusive to our former President. I'm sorry but I do not believe that you can be a great American and also lack respect for the office of the President. I also believe that you are not a good Christian if you are abusive to other people.

George W. Bush sacrificed much while he was in office. George W. Bush sacrificed and served America. Are we forgetting that he implemented many programs and new laws to keep us safe? Are we forgetting that he and his family have investments just like us and are taking the losses just like us? We must remember also that he cries tears for the sacrifices of our troops just like us? I feel sure he has spent many sleepless nights worrying about the future of millions of people. I offer my prayers for George W. and his family as they make this transition. May God Bless Them!

I also offer my prayers for the "so-called good Americans" who boo, jeer and hate. I pray that God will give them the ability to feel compassion and understanding.

Personally, I have always liked George W. Bush and all of his family. I think they are good Christians; as well as, great Americans. Also, don't you think the Bushes would be fun to hang-out with?

Let us all offer prayers for President Obama as he leads our nation into a new era. As his term progresses, let us not be critical but pray that God will give him the wisdom to make the correct decisions for our nation.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm Back!

Hi Readers,

I am sorry but I have been doing hobby things and haven't been inclined to blog. I hope your holidays were wonderful. I had a great time with the family but ended up with a "nice" cold a couple of days after Christmas. I think a lot of other people got a nice cold for Christmas because several people I talked to during the holidays sounded just like me - hoarse, nasal, coughing.

Well, I went on a new adventure yesterday - Facebook. I got an e-mail from Carolyn which basically wanted me to sign on to Facebook and become one of her "friends". Since she really is my friend, I couldn't turn down the request. After signing on and becoming one of her friends, I decided to join Facebook and start one of my own. Evidently, it would help to be a teenager so I could understand the jargon. I have not a clue what I am doing on Facebook. If I ever figure it out, I will give you my site or you can just check it out.

However, I believe blogging is more my cup of tea. I hope to be blogging regularly now. I'll see you back here in a couple of days.