Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Little More About the Inaugural

Pastor Rick Warren

I salute President Obama and Rick Warren for ignoring protests to have Pastor Warren banned from delivering the invocation at the Inaugural. Pastor Warren did not cave in and ignore Christ in his invocation. In fact, he mentioned his love and trust in Jesus several times. He even repeated the name of Jesus in several languages and continued to recite the Lord's Prayer. Yea! Rick Warren!

For months now, I hear news commentators talk about our nation in turmoil. I believe the words I heard Franklin Graham speak on Fox News this morning pretty well sum up why our nation might be in turmoil. He stated that when you take God out of government, there will be turmoil. We, as Christians, know the turmoil we feel in our personal lives when we leave God out of it. He delivered a wonderful explanation about why God needs to be in every part of our lives. We should not try to be politically correct and ignore God. He said that God has been banned little by little from the public by lawyers and government over the past 50 or 60 years. This country was founded on "In God We Trust". Our founding fathers do not want to take God out of government or schools.

If there is ever a time to put God back in government, it is now. Again, I thank Rick Warren and President Obama for standing up for their beliefs and not denying Christ to be politically correct.

1 comment:

Heather Palacios said...

Keeeeeeeeeeep blogging!!! Love stoppin by here. Added u 2 the frong pg of LeadHership. Blessings!