I have always enjoyed Native American stories. They are simple but yet so true and they reveal so much wisdom and just plain ol' common sense. Stories like the one below were passed down from generation to generation. They had no written laws so these stories guided each generation on how they should live and conduct themselves. I would like to share one of them with you.
Story of Two Wolves
~ Barbara LaBarbera
Old Grandfather was proud and wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes
Come draw your hearts near
Old Grandfather's story to hear...
Listen with your spirit's ear well
Keep this story in heart to dwell
A strong message for all hearts to see
This is the Two Wolves Story...
In each person's heart deep within
Are two wolves fighting to see who wins
One wolf is good, who fights strong
The other is evil and fights to do wrong
Down in our spirit's soul
They fight for our hearts to hold
The wolves are in constant fight
Each struggling with all their might
Of the two wolves that dwell within
You ask, which wolf will win?
The answer is simple, take heed
The wolf that wins is the one you feed
Sometimes the wolves rip our soul apart
Which wolf will rule your heart...
Remember, old Grandfather was wise
The spirit of truth shined from his eyes...