Friday, March 7, 2008

About Flamingo Road Church's New Series

Flamingo Road Church through the leadership of Pastor Troy Gramling has many innovative ideas that draws people to church. Some of the ideas like I've Screwed Up. com and My Naked Pastor have drawn many different opinions. However, the result has led many to Jesus Christ that normally would not have thought about entering a church and listening to a message that hits deep in the soul - changing their lives for the best.

The new series is RationaLies. I can guarantee you that many people will come to hear Pastor Troy teach and leave with answers that will improve their lives 100 percent. I believe that in today's world it takes something innovative and unique to reach people. This website will help you understand the new series:

For all of us who don't live in South Florida, we are still fortunate. We can attend Flamingo Road Church's Internet Campus and see what this new series is all about. We have a great selection of times to attend the Internet Campus: Saturdays at 5:00 PM and 6:30 PM; Sundays at 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM, 12:30 PM and 5:00 PM. There is also a Spanish service at 2:15 PM on Sundays. The website to reach the Internet Campus is

I am really curious to see what this is all about. It would be nice if you would watch one of the Internet services and let me know your thoughts. I will blog about it after I watch it, also.

Check out the newly added comment - it gives great insight into the new series.


@heredes said...

Hey Nancy .... here's a letter from Troy - not sure you got it or not ... but It'll help your readers understand a bit more.

You're right ... lives will be changed by this series - through the power of Christ!

From the desk of Troy Gramling -

In our world, we are surrounded by blame, rationalizations, excuses . . . and lies. And the father of all lies is our adversary, Satan. The Bible says he roams around, seeking whom he may devour. In two weeks, on March 8, the battle against the lies and the darkness begins with our new series, “RationaLies: The Battle for Truth.” Jesus told us that the truth will set us free—truth from God, truth that exposes the lies of the adversary, truth that dispels the darkness. In this series we are coming together as a church community to shine light into the darkness. The Bible says that the enemy is all around us, we just don’t see him and RationaLies is our battle against that. Christ has won the war, but we must stand together to battle Satan’s lies and point people to God’s truth. As we undertake this significant challenge, we have introduced a website: — to expose the lies and tactics of our enemy. You can join the Flamingo Road Community, at all of our campuses, in this battle for truth in three ways:

1. Go to and defend God’s truth.

2. Attend all four weekends in this series from March 8 through March 30.

3. Invite your friends and family to every weekend so they can hear God’s truth and begin to recognize the lies for what they are.

Though it is a serious battle with eternal consequences, we stand on the side that will win—God’s side. As we collaborate together, standing strong, we will take back ground from the enemy and advance in the battle to bring God’s light to those who’ve been exposed to the lies. Join me in this courageous stand. I am grateful for your faithfulness on this journey.

With Truth on our side,


Heather Palacios said...

Hey Nancy, Thanks for your post and your support!