Saturday, March 1, 2008

A God Favor

Today as I do many times, I was traveling along the interstate in the "snail lane" of the three lane highway. I noticed a large metal object in the middle lane and at the same time, cars were flying by me in the middle and far lanes. I decided to slow down so that the car in the middle lane which was approaching the metal object could easily cut in front of me and miss the metal object. Unfortunately, the car did not react accordingly and ran over the metal object which flipped up when the car passed over it.

It was a large ladder which came apart and scattered debris over that lane, as well as the other two lanes. As I mentioned, I had slowed down and the debris missed me. However, I feel sure that the car that ran over it will suffer tire damage. I consider this event as a God Favor. Every day, all of us receive favors/blessings from God just like this. You see - God let me see the ladder well ahead of time and slow down even though the ladder was in another lane and I was in no danger of hitting it. Don't we all have so many blessings to thank God for? I know I do.

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